One Action - Kenya

Kenya immersion in support of the One Action association

Events / sponsoring, News - 31 January 2024
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A genuine commitment to humanitarian and environmental causes

The commitment to humanitarian and environmental causes remains at the core of Comptoir Immobilier Group’s values. Recognizing the need to strike a balance between the carbon footprint of its activities and the adoption of more virtuous practices, the Group sought to further its commitment.

Quentin Epiney, a Member of the Executive Management, personally and physically immersed himself in a trip to Kenya, spending a week alongside the OneAction association, supported by the Group for several years. His objective: to provide concrete assistance on-site and assess the actions of the association. At the Swiss Embassy in Nairobi, Quentin engaged with diplomats and representatives from the Directorate of Development and Cooperation to explore potential partnerships, particularly with Sadhana Forest, a non-profit organization.

During his stay, Quentin contributed to the planting of oxalogenic plants to reverse soil degradation and strengthen community resilience to climate change. He was deeply moved by the gaze of children, filled with innocence and necessity, especially when providing them with water. “This may be just a drop in the ocean, but giving a few drops of water to a child’s mouth changes everything,” he emphasized.

This personal investment embodies the essential values of Comptoir Immobilier Group: ethics, service, performance, and sustainability, intensifying our commitment to environmental actions and, by extension, humanitarian impact.

One Action - Kenya

One Action - Kenya



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