150 ordinary and extraordinary children took off to erase differences thanks to the “Kid’s Dreams” action.
The Comptoir Immobilier supports this action and is delighted to participate in making these “kid’s dreams” come true.
For the first time in its history, the “Rêves de gosse” action of the French association “les Chevaliers du Ciel” made a stopover in Switzerland and, more precisely, at Sion airport on Monday, June 3, 2019. It thus offered 150 young Valaisans, including a hundred extraordinary children, an exceptional afternoon of meeting and sharing, with, as a highlight, the chance to fly in an airplane. It also allowed the Valaisan schoolchildren to reflect on difference, its understanding and acceptance.
It was a great opportunity for the Valaisan schoolchildren to reflect on difference, its understanding and acceptance.
It was a great opportunity for the Valaisan schoolchildren to reflect on difference, its understanding and acceptance.
Théo Gmür, godfather of this day for children
A three-time Paralympic champion in PyeongChang in the standing alpine category, he is a perfect example of the benefits of inclusion. A victim of a stroke at the age of 2, he became hemiplegic. His parents’ philosophy was to enrol him in many sports activities with ordinary children. Since he was a child, he has skied with ordinary children and this has motivated him to leave his comfort zone and to go further. Thus, he is a perfect example of the benefits and importance of inclusion for extraordinary children.